SERVICE TIMES | 8 AM | 10 AM | 12 PM
In this increasingly digital world, about 80% of us have made digital giving
the most consistent way that we give.
Life can get so busy at times, that we have to fight hard to ensure
that we don’t get distracted or delayed in
our worship of God with our offering. We believe the tithe is not just ANY ten percent;
it is literally the FIRST and the BEST ten percent.
We have found that the best way to ensure we always give God the FIRST and BEST is to AUTOMATE the IMPORTANT.
That is why are encouraging you to set up recurring giving that helps us avoid having to “catch up”
when we’ve been on vacation or had to be away for any other reason.
Question: How do I add my credit/debit card, checking, or savings information?
Answer: To add a credit/debit card, checking, savings account:
Locate your name in the upper righthand corner.
Hit the arrow next to your name for the drop box.
Go to “Payment Methods”
To add a payment method
Hit the blue box = “+Add Payment Method”
Enter payment information – For your account type
it will be either credit/debit card,
checking or savings account.
Hit the blue box = “SAVE”
Question: How do I update/change my credit/debit card,
checking, or savings information?
Answer: To update/change your information:
Locate your name in the upper righthand corner.
Hit the arrow next to your name for the drop box.
Go to “Payment Methods”
On right hand side locate the 3 dots …
Click the 3 dots
Click edit
Enter the payment information – For the account type it will be
either credit/debit card, checking or savings account
Hit the blue box = “SAVE”
Question: How do I delete my credit/debit card, checking, or savings information?
Answer: To delete your information:
Locate your name in the upper righthand corner.
Hit the arrow next to your name for drop box.
Go to “Payment Methods”
On right hand side locate the 3 dots …
Click on the 3 dots.
Click “Delete”
The system will ask are sure you want to “Delete”?
Click the yellow “Delete” box.
Your card, checking, or savings will be deleted.
Question: How can I obtain my statement or history?
Answer: To retrieve your statement or history:
Click the “Giving Tab.”
Click the year to date = It will expand to “Gift Date Range.”
Change your dates = 01/01/2021 thru 12/31/2021
Fund = you can choose a particular item: tithes, missions, or the default is “Select All.”
Clicking “Reset Filters” will change to the criteria you selected.
Question: How do I set up scheduled/recurring gifts?
Answer: To automate your giving:
Click the “Scheduled” tab.
Click the blue box “+Give”
Enter the Amount = For example $100
Fund = Tithes
Click the gray box “+Another Fund” = offering, missions
Click “Multiple Times”
Choose one of the options listed: 2 Weeks, Every Month
Note: If an option is not chosen, it will schedule your donations every week.
Question: How can I have my donations come from my bank?
Answer: Through bill pay, they will mail out a check.
The bank will need the church address:
9000 Regency Square Blvd, Suite 211, Jacksonville, FL 32211
Please specify where you want your donation directed:
tithes, offering, etc.
Automate Your Giving Today!