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Your App Next Steps Badges Explained
At Impact Church, we know that growing spiritually isn’t one-size-fits-all,
and we grow at our own pace.
Next Steps are areas of engagement for you to grow as a follower of Christ.
Your personal dashboard will highlight and celebrate your steps and
encourage you to take your Next Step.
Making a decision to follow Jesus is the most impactful decision you can make in having a fresh start with a new life in Christ. This badge will light up if you have made a decision to follow Christ. If you made a decision for Christ and need to let us know please complete the Commit Reporting Form in the App under Next Steps.
We believe that baptism by water is the best way to express your faith and follow Jesus’ example. Your Baptism icon will turn blue once you’ve been water baptized at Impact Church. If you have been water baptized by immersion outside of Impact Church, please let us know by completing the Baptism Reporting Form in the App under Next Steps.
Congratulations on completing Step 1 of Growth Track and officially joining the family! This badge will light up blue if you have completed Step 1 of Growth Track or have been grandfathered in as a member through participating in our past membership class or Encounter Weekend.
Thank you for the time you invest in others through serving with one of our ministries. This badge will light up if you are an active member on one of our Dream Team rosters.
Connecting with others through Small Groups is a great way to find a community of people to “do life” with. Your Groups badge will light up blue if you are an active member of a Small Group.
Thank you for helping us continue to make an impact on our community! When we give, we demonstrate our reliance and gratitude to God for all He provides us. Your Give icon will turn blue if you have given at least 1 to 4 times in the past 16 weeks or a lump sum in a rolling 12-month period.
If you have taken all other steps, helping others by leading a team or Small Group at Impact is a great way to share what Jesus has done in your life. Your Lead badge will light up if you are an active leader of a Dream Team or Small Group.
Other Milestones Found at the Bottom of Your Dashboard
Growth Track
If you have completed our Growth Track process this badge will light up.
Join us each Sunday for our weekend services. If you are in attendance regularly at our weekend services, this badge will light up.
Step 5
Attending our Step 5 Program will ignite and fast track you to growing further faster in God. If you have graduated from Step 5 this badge will light up.
Global Missions
The world is waiting for your compassion and love. If you have completed a mission trip recently this badge will light up. If you have completed a mission trip outside of Impact Church, please let us know by completing the Missions Reporting Form in the App.
Email for help!
App Frequently Asked Questions
Impact’s app is your go-to place for you to stay connected and help you to grow
in your faith with our church community like never before!
The mobile app is the place for all things happening at Impact Church.
We’ve made it easy for you to find information on upcoming events,
update your personal details,and most importantly, find ways to
get more involved in order to grow in your faith.
The mobile app is unique to you and where you are in your walk with Christ.
Step 1 | Download the Impact Church Mobile App. If you already have the app, it will
automatically update.
Step 2 | Verify your identity using your phone number or email you have on record at
Step 3 | Start scrolling through your own personalized and relevant content.
Please check to make sure you are using the email or phone number you have on record with Impact. If this has changed or you are unsure of your email or number, please email our app help desk at .
The dashboard icons are indicators of the Next Steps you have completed. There are badges for your commitment to Christ (Commit), Baptism, Membership (Join), Dream Team, Small Group membership (Group), Giving, Dream Team or Small Group leadership (Lead), & Growth Track. When you tap the badge icon you can read what each badge means.
This means that your information may not be correct in our system. If you have submitted your self-reporting forms, please allow 48 hours for your badge to be lit. If your badge is still not lit, please email our help desk for one of our App Team members to assist you!
No. We will still communicate to you via our services, text, social media, and our other channels. If you are part of a Dream Team or Small Group, please still expect your leadership to contact you as appropriate. However, you will receive event communications, promos, registrations, and sign-ups through the app.