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Your App Next Steps Badges Explained

  At Impact Church, we know that growing spiritually isn’t one-size-fits-all,
and we grow at our own pace.
Next Steps are areas of engagement for you to grow as a follower of Christ.
Your personal dashboard will highlight and celebrate your steps and
encourage you to take your Next Step.

Dream Team


Other Milestones Found at the Bottom of Your Dashboard

Growth Track

If you have completed our Growth Track process this badge will light up. 


Join us each Sunday for our weekend services. If you are in attendance regularly at our weekend services, this badge will light up. 

Step 5

Attending our Step 5 Program will ignite and fast track you to growing further faster in God. If you have graduated from Step 5 this badge will light up. 


Global Missions

The world is waiting for your compassion and love. If you have completed a mission trip recently this badge will light up. If you have completed a mission trip outside of Impact Church, please let us know by completing the Missions Reporting Form in the App.


Email for help!

App Frequently Asked Questions

Impact’s app is your go-to place for you to stay connected and help you to grow
in your faith with our church community like never before!
The mobile app is the place for all things happening at Impact Church.
We’ve made it easy for you to find information on upcoming events,
update your personal details,and most importantly, find ways to
get more involved in order to grow in your faith.
The mobile app is unique to you and where you are in your walk with Christ.

How does it work?
I'm having trouble logging in
What do the dashboard icons mean?
My badge isn’t lit, and it should be OR my badge is lit, and it shouldn’t be.
Will this replace ALL of my communications?